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About us

“At LlamaLand Organics, we believe that a healthy diet is at the core of human wellbeing and happiness. We strive to help our families reach their goal of offering healthier, cleaner options of convenient foods to the ones they love, without sacrificing on taste or fun."

Lisa Petrozzi, Co - Founder

Our story

Due to its unique geography and climate, Peru is home to a wide variety of fruits, plants, and grains with some of the highest nutritional and health benefits, known as Superfoods. These products have been harvested by Peruvians for thousands of years as a key component to their nutritious diet.

With growing awareness of the importance of healthy eating and lifestyle choices, consumers are becoming more knowledgeable about the many health risks related to eating food containing preservatives and genetically modified ingredients.

At LlamaLand Organics, our products have everything families are looking for; 100% organic, plant-based, non-GMO, simple ingredients free of pesticides and chemicals. And they are as delicious as they are nutritious!

LLamaLand Organics Superfood Cereals and fruit Spreads


At LLamaLand Organics, we strive to holistically help our families reach their goals of offering healthier, cleaner options of convenient foods to the ones they love, without sacrificing on taste or fun. Our holistic vision = healthy + delicious + convenient + fun!


At LLamaLand Organics, we are excited to introduce super nutritious, super delicious superfoods from Peruvian Amazon and Andes, while providing families with nutrient dense, great tasting and convenient pantry staples that are made exclusively with these superfoods.


Non-GMO Logo

Highest quality organic, non-GMO, and plant- based ingredients from Peru

Responsibly sourced (both environmentally and socially)

Full transparency and traceability (from source to end consumer)

Products that improve people’s lives while sharing awareness of their benefits.

Our Team

Lisa Petrozzi, co-founder of LLamaLand Organics
Lisa Petrozzi, co-founder of LLamaLand Organics

Lisa Petrozzi

Wife, mom, holistic health coach, and co-founder of LLamaLand Organics

“My passion for healthy eating sprouted while striving to keep my ‘instrument’ in optimal performing shape as a professional ballet dancer and grew stronger roots when motherhood challenged me to become even more aware of making healthy choices for our growing boys.”

Ismael Petrozzi, co-founder of LLamaLand Organics

Ismael Petrozzi

Husband, father, businessman, entrepreneur and co-founder of LLamaLand Organics

“As a native Peruvian living in the United States, and as a professional with vast experience in the consumer goods industry, I am passionate about the opportunity of sharing the treasures of Peru ‘Land of the Llamas’ with families across the U.S.”

Ismael Petrozzi, co-founder of LLamaLand Organics

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